If your inventory items are set up as composites and you need to remove some of the child items from the composite parent as they are no longer required to be included, then it can be done via an import: Delete Data Import > Delete Composite Child Items
First, prepare a CSV file with a column for the SKUs - no other information is required.
1. Go to Settings > Import Data
2. Click Import Now
3. For the Import Type, select Delete and for the Sub Type, select Delete Composite Child Items
4. Click Next
5. Click Choose Template and select the prepared CSV file
6. Map the column to SKU, if it didn't map automatically, and click Run Now
When child items are removed from a Parent Item the following actions take place:
- The actual parent item won't be deleted, only the link between the parent and the child will be removed
- The stock level is recalculated for the parent item in all locations that previously had a stock level record
When all child items are removed from a composite parent item the following actions also take place:
- The parent item is no longer a composite item
- The Tracked status remains unchanged
- Any active linked listings will be updated with the zero stock level
- The child item will still remain as an inventory item in Linnworks
For more information please refer to this documentation article.