Note: Pickwave features may be needed on Linnworks plan to access Pickwave functionality.

Generate pickwave

  • Open Orders
  • Select the orders you want to add to a pickwave
  • Actions (right-click) -> Pickwave -> Generate Pickwave
  • If orders need stock allocation (batched items or if you are in WMS location)
  • Stock will be allocated at this point 
  • Orders where the stock cannot be allocated (insufficient or not available in picking location), will not be added to pickwave
  • Select pickwave grouping type (by Item or by Order)
  • Select a user to whom the pickwave will be assigned to 


  • In Linnworks Mobile, go to Pickwave
  • select Mine tab
  • At the bottom, we have different statesof pickwaves 
    • To Pick - pickwave assigned to you and not yet started
    • Picking - pickwave has one or more items picked, in other words in progress
    • Packing - picking completed and one or more orders in the pickwave have been dispatched. 
    • Complete - picking completed but no orders were dispatched yet
  • Each pickwave card shows the number of items to pick and the number of orders in the pickwave. Once an item is picked, the count of picked/to pick will increase. Progress will also increment.
  • Select the pickwave 
  • The list of everything to pick is sorted in a routing sequence of binracks (only really applies to WMS) and priority sequence. 
  • Pick cards are grouped depending on your selected grouping type (by Item, or by Order)
  • Each card displays binrack of the item, quantity to pick, batch information if available. 
  • You can scan a binrack to filter the list by only a specific binrack and then further scan SKU, barcode or product identifier to bring up the quantity entry screen for entering picked quantity. 

Note: In the video below we demonstrating Generate pickwave and picking items with WMS enabled. 

See also:

Pickwave - group by Order

Pickwave - grouping by Item

Pickwave - states of pickwaves

Pickwave - Picking composite parent group

Quantity Entry, Scanning and counting

Permissions - Linnworks Mobile

Generate a pickwave, and pick using mobile app

Directional pickwave

Directional Pickwave - Order and Item grouping
Directional pickwave - Force BinRack scan (WMS only)

Directional pickwave - Force Item scan

Directional pickwave - Show one item to pick per step